October 10, 2007

Next Legislative Breakfast: Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 8:30am

The next North Shore Association of Realtors® Legislative Breakfast will be held on Wednesday, October 24, 2007, from 8:30am to 10:00am. All NSAR members who live in Boxford, Essex, Gloucester, Hamilton, Ipswich, Manchester, Newbury, Rockport, Rowley, Wenham, Byfield, and/or Middleton are encouraged to attend.

Topics will likely include:

1. Transfer Taxes.
2. An Act Protecting Children from Poisoning (SB. 1230)
3. An Act Providing Information to Real Estate Buyers. (H. 323, S. 201)
4. An Act Relative to the Disclosure of Wetlands on Property. (H. 767)
5. An Act Relative to Smart Growth Housing Trust Fund (S. 132) and An Act Relative to Financing the Smart Growth Housing Trust (H. 160).

Sign up today using this form, by calling 978-232-9410, or by emailing Jeff@NorthShoreRealtors.com!

The Legislative Breakfast will be at the NSAR office at 398 Essex Street in Beverly. For directions, visit our website by clicking here.