November 16, 2007

Beverly seeks bids on Beverly Airport lot

The Beverly Citizen reports the city of Beverly is looking for bids to develop a 3-acre lot adjacent to the Beverly Airport. Proposals can be turned in at City Hall; the deadline for proposed bids are December 28th. According to the article, “possible development of the land − which would either be sold or leased − could include light manufacturing, office space or industrial uses. A special permit could allow other uses such as a hotel. The property is a triangularly shaped parcel on the northwestern corner of LP Henderson Road and Sam Fonzo Drive.”

The Airport Commission declared the land surplus in February 2005. Later that year, after some debate, the City Council voted 8-1 to also approve it as surplus. The City of Beverly also put the property out for bid last year but failed to receive any response.

Read the entire Beverly Citizen article