November 4, 2007

Manchester-by-the-Sea Meeting on Chapter 40B Condos

The Gloucester Daily Times reported that the developer of a 40-unit condominium project on Summer Street in Manchester-by-the-Sea held a meeting with neighbors to address concerns about the pending project. The Manchester Zoning Board of Appeals asked the developer, Coolidge Commons LLC, to schedule the meeting after it began hearing the application for a comprehensive permit under the state’s Chapter 40B affordable-housing laws to build a $19.7 million condo complex at 601 Summer Street.

The developer is planning to place 24 smaller condo units in a "garden-style" building near Summer Street and another 16 units in four townhouse-style buildings spread over the 14-acre property. The non-affordable-housing units are planned to be listed for an average of $683,000; 10 affordable units will sell for less than $200,000 in order to meet state affordable housing standards.

Read the entire Gloucester Daily Times article