March 20, 2008

Beverly Mayor Seeks to Scale Back Open Space and Residential Design Ordinance

According to the Beverly Citizen, Beverly Mayor Bill Scanlon is seeking to change Beverly’s relatively new Open Space and Residential Design Ordinance (OSRD) in order to control, but not stop, residential development. The latest set of proposed changes would reduce the buffer around each parcel from 100 feet to 25 feet and not require it around rock outcrops and conservation areas on the site but still require it around wetlands and vernal pools.

The changes would also increase the threshold for land required to be developed using the rules in zoning districts where the minimum lot size is one or two acres.

The Beverly Citizen article includes a more detailed bulleted list of the proposed changes.

The March 23, 2008 OSRD ordinance public hearing will continue on April 7, 2008 at 7:15 in City Council chambers.

Read the entire Beverly Citizen article.